Let's rethink the hiring process
Job Nook will connect talent with job opportunities in a whole new way.
I'm a...
Job seeker
Traditional Job seeking
- Write CVs
- Write covering letters
- Search for jobs
- Salaries are unknown
- Long, repetitive application processes
- Waiting for outcome, potentially never hearing back!
Job Nook
- Create profile
- Set job expectations (location, salary, etc)
- Advertise skills anonymously
- Get real-time stats on interest
- Recruiters reach out to you
- Accept or decline interview requests
Traditional Recruitment
- Post job listing (upfront cost)
- Wait for applications to come in
- Cross fingers that the right applicants apply
- Manually process applications
- Hopefully shortlist and interview
- Make an offer and hope that salary expecations are aligned
Job Nook
- Instantly view available talent
- Check skills match job criteria
- Ensure salary and location expectations align with role
- Request interview with chosen job seeker/s
- Only pay for suitable candidates who accept an interview
Job Nook is coming soon...
- Register your interest now to be the first to get access
- Early adopters get special discounts
- Provide feedback to guide the developement of new features
![pretty picture](/assets/ads.07fd8c4b.png)
![pretty picture](/assets/createAd.ced410ad.png)
Register your interest now
Job seeker signup
Recruiter signup
How does it actually work?
Job seekers create an anonymous profile that showcases their skills and experience. By posting a free ad on Job Nook, job seekers don't have to pore over new job listings, or go through lengthly application processes.
Recruiters can search and filter job seeker ads based on the criteria for the role they are looking to fill. By searching for talent rather than waiting for applications to come in, recruiters can find the right candidates instantly. What's more, everyone saves time and effort by stating their role expectations up front, including salary expectations, whether it can be remote only, etc.
The process:
Job seekers:
- Create account
- Add experience and skills to your profile
- Set career aspirations
- Set salary expectations
- Go live with your profile
- Create account
- Add job opportunity
- Automatically get suggested recruits
- Select candidates for interview
- Decide to proceed with recruitment / further interviews